One of the many profound questions that Jesus asked his disciples was, “Who do people say the Son of Man is? (Matthew 16:13-15) They named John the Baptist, Elijah, Jeremiah and not to omit anyone important they said, or one of the prophets.

Then Jesus got personal and asked, “But what about you? Who do you say I am?”

In John Baillie’s “A Diary of Private Prayer” one of his evening prayers gives expression to who Jesus is:

O God, immortal, eternal, invisible, I remember with gladness and thanksgiving all that Thou hast been to this world of men:

Companion of the brave:

Upholder of the loyal:

Light of the wanderer

Joy of the pilgrim:

Guide of the pioneer:

Helper of laboring men:

Refuge of the broken-hearted:

Deliverer of the oppressed:

Succour of the tempted:

Strength of the victorious:

Ruler of rulers:

Friend of the poor:

Rescuer of the perishing:

Hope of the dying

Who Jesus is to you personally makes all the difference in the world in how you live, the priorities you have in life, the way you treat others and especially those who are different from you. Have you given serious consideration to the question Jesus asked, “Who do you say I am? This Christmas, why not sit down and put on paper your answer to Jesus’ question.

In His Love, Charles

Thought of the Week for: December 6