


Worship service featuring the sermon “How does the Kingdom Grow?” given by Guest Preacher Dr. Wayne Hager; including scriptures from Mark 4:26-32; and music performed by music director Risa Poniros and pianist Cheryl Walker.

We are pleased to welcome Dr. Wayne Hager as our guest preacher. Dr. Hager currently serves as the part-time Church Administrator for First Baptist Church, Raleigh. Wayne previously served churches in Indiana, Kentucky, and North Carolina as pastor and interim pastor for over 30 years. A native of Lexington, KY, Wayne is a graduate of the University of Kentucky and The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, earning a PhD in 1987. He is a certified Intentional Interim Minister, a certified Transition Specialist, and does pulpit supply. Wayne serves as the Co-Coordinator of the Greater Triangle Area CROP Hunger Walk and is on the board of Trustees of Oak Hill Academy, Mouth of Wilson, VA.

How does the Kingdom Grow?