

Worship service featuring the sermon “The Church of My Dreams” given by Interim Pastor Rev. Johnny Richards; including scriptures from Psalm 122:1; and music performed by music director Risa Poniros, guest pianist Claudia Hinson and the choir.


Whenever we picture something we might want, whether it be in a relationship or something materialistic, we might think about what that will look like to us. We almost dream about what it, or the person, will be. In our message for this morning, our pastor talks about Psalm 122:1 as we dream about a church that is what God needs it to be.  


Points to Remember: 

  1. The church should be an inviting church 
  2. The church should be a welcoming church 
  3. The church should be a praying church 
  4. The church should be a worshipping church
The Church of My Dreams