

Worship service featuring the sermon “What Can Faith Do in Your Life?” given by Interim Pastor Rev. Johnny Richards; including scriptures from Matthew 14:23-31; and music performed by music director Risa Poniros, pianist Cheryl Walker, guest cellist Dr. Jim Waddelow, and the choir.

“I can’t do it”. “I’m not able.” “I don’t have it within me.” These are all ways of telling why we can’t do something. We all have our limitations. We all have our skills and abilities. We also have someone who can give us the strength and ability to do what God is calling us to do and that is the Holy Spirit. In our message for today, our pastor shares the final message in the series, “An Interesting Thing Happened at the Lake.” Today’s message, “What Can Faith Do In Your Life?”, he shares what faith allows us to do, even when we feel we can’t.

1. Faith causes us call out to Christ
2. Faith causes us to step out to Christ
3. Faith causes us to focus on Christ

What Can Faith Do in Your Life?