Spontaneous Praise!

When you are reading, do you sometimes jump ahead to find out “the rest of the story.”  I found myself doing that in mid-December when I was searching for a devotional for our December Deacons Meeting. I selected a devotional for December 25 from Henry Blackaby’s book, “Experiencing God Day by Day.” The beautiful thoughts which Dr. Blackaby shares were so meaningful that I felt they should not be limited to Christmas Day.

Let’s begin our New Year by pausing and thanking God for all the blessings in our lives. SPONTANEOUS PRAISE!—what a wonderful way to say thanks.

Spontaneous Praise

Luke 1:46-47:  And Mary said, “My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord, and my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior.”

Praise is the spontaneous response of a grateful child of God in His presence. The person who knows God and experiences Him intimately sings to the Lord with deepest praise!  Mary was overwhelmed by the Lord’s goodness to her. In response, she sang one of the most beautiful and profound songs of praise found in scripture. Trying to stop the praise of a thankful heart would be like trying to arrest the flow of a mighty waterfall! God created us to praise Him; praise will be our activity when we are gathered around His throne in heaven.

You should never have difficulty thinking of reasons why God deserves your praise. You should enjoy the times you have to praise your Lord, both privately and publicly, in worship. If your life is not filled with praise, it may be that you have lost your appreciation for God’s merciful activity in your life. Never forget what God has saved you from. Never take for granted what it means to have the assurance of eternity with God. Do not disregard the spiritual kinship you enjoy with other believers. Take time often to recount the blessings He has poured out on you and your family. As you contemplate the boundless love and mercy God has shown you, you will want to sing His praises as Mary did. Spontaneous praise is authentic praise. It does not have to be manipulated or orchestrated. It is a real and personal expression of a grateful heart and wonder-filled life that has encountered holy God!

Praise Him, Praise Him.

All ye little Children

God is love, God is love.

Submitted by Jean Glosson

Spontaneous Praise!