Valuable Resources

The Bible and the Church Hymnal are two valuable resources to use in your quiet time with God.  Regular Bible reading and study are essential to our spiritual development, our understanding of God and the life that He wants us to live. The Church Hymnal is also a great spiritual resource and should not be limited to use for singing during Sunday morning worship.  It is a wonderful companion to use in our meditation along with scripture.

Many Hymns are born as prayers, first penned as poems and then set to music. It is sad that we often sing hymns, get caught up in the rhythm of the music, and overlook the spiritual message that is contained in them.  Hymns come from a person’s thoughts. They are expressions from the soul. They flow from feelings about God, emotions, trials, praise, thanksgiving, fears, expectations and faith. Train yourself to capture the message of the song.

Blending Scripture with Hymns provides spiritual nourishment and encouragement for the soul. Having a Word from God fresh on our minds combined with a song in our heart aids us in the daily battle between flesh and spirit. If you have a desire to strengthen your devotional life blending scripture with hymns, a good resource is Kenneth W. Osbeck’s book, “Amazing Grace, 366 Inspiring Hymn Stories for Daily Devotions” available online or in book stores. I get no commission for the recommendation but I recommend the book because it has been helpful to me.

The beginning of a New Year is a good time to try new approaches to worship. The January 1st, devotional of Osbeck’s book has this message: “How important it is that we pause with the psalmist and pray for ‘a heart of wisdom’ that will enable us this year to live each new day in a way that brings glory to God. “With our Bible in one hand and our hymn book in the other, let us do just that.

In His Love,


Valuable Resources